5th Annual SEPOT Conference

5th Annual SEPOT Conference
September 28, 2019 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Fifth Annual Workshop

September 28, 2019

The Schedule, In Brief  (For a full program including abstracts, click here):


9:00-9:30 Breakfast and Coffee


9:30-10:30am Session A: 

“In Praise (and Blame) of Roleplaying” by Andrew Kissel 

“Don’t Tap the Glass: Examining the Ethical Dimensions of Notice During Social Media Data Collection” by Nicholas Proferes


10:30-10:45am Break


10:45-11:45am Session B:

“A Critique of the Notion of Rationality Integral to Agent Based AI” by George Khushf 

“Hostile Information Architecture” by Gordon Hull


11:45-12:45am Lunch Break


12:45-1:45pm Session C: 

“You Just Have to be Yourself: National Security, Pop Culture, and Authenticity” by Camilla Cannon

“On Being Ill: Experiments in Cyborg Storytelling” by Hanna Herdegen


1:45-2pm Break


2-3pm Session D: 

“An Approach for Evaluating Arguments for the Environmental Release of Genetically Engineered Animals with Gene Drives” by Zahra Meghani

“Algorithms: A Theory of Inquiry” by Johnathan Flowers


3-3:15pm Break


3:15-4:15pm: Session E: 

“Ghost Gear Recycling” by Alice Fox

“First thoughts on the Materiality of Epistemic Injustice” by Robert Rosenberger


4-:15-5pm Remaining discussion and talk time before folks head out